Summer Reading

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I want to invite you to take 5 minutes and do some summer reading that will enrich your leadership development.

This past week I have had the pleasure to be teaching a course entitled “Leaders for the Renewal of the World” offered at St. Paul’s University in Ottawa as a part of the SINE Program (Summer Institute on the New Evangelization). This Institute has been a collaborative venture between CCO, Mission of the Redeemer Ministries, and St. Paul’s University. Students attend in class or online and you can find out more information here.

During the class we are examining leadership principles relevant to individuals and parish life. Some of the topics we have been exploring include:

  • An Introduction to Leadership
  • Leadership Character – Foundations in Classical Virtues
  • Leadership Character – Christian Virtue and Growth in Virtue
  • Leadership Competencies – Personal  and Public Contexts
  • Approaches to Moving from Maintenance to Mission
  • Leadership and Parish Renewal
  • Tools for Developing a Parish Renewal Plan
  • Ongoing Leadership Cultivation

I have used a number of concepts from articles previously published on this website throughout the course. Here’s a a few of the relevant ones so far:

Scan across this list and read the one that seems to stand out for you right now. Perhaps take the opportunity to share it with a friend and have a discussion about the topic. if you want a complete list of additional articles and videos, you can go here.

Enjoy some quality summer reading!

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Facilitator | Catalyst | Husband | Father | Skier | Leader

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