My Interview With Alex Havard

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On October 16, 2017 I spoke with Alex Havard on the CCO Reads Podcast on a wide range of questions including his background, the books he wrote, the books he recommends, and the important leadership virtue of magnanimity. He was in Ottawa for a number of Virtuous Leadership events.

Who is Alex Havard?

Alex Havard was born in Paris, and is a graduate of one of France’s leading law schools. He worked as a barrister in Europe for many years before discovering his mission to ignite hearts for greatness and work to inspire men and women to raise up a new generation of Virtuous Leaders. Mr. Havard has been invited to many international forums to defend the dignity of the human person. In 2004, he founded the European Center for Leadership Development (ECLD), and in 2007, he founded the Havard Virtuous Leadership Institute (HVLI). In 2010 he co-founded the Virtuous Leadership Institute in North America.

He oversees the international network of Virtuous Leadership Institutes around the world, and offers Virtuous Leadership seminars and courses in English, Russian, French and Spanish to business executives, educators, public officials, and students. His books Virtuous LeadershipAn Agenda for Personal Excellence and Created for Greatness: The Power of Magnanimity have been translated into 20 languages.

What is CCO Reads?

CCO Reads is an initiative of several staff and student missionaries from Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO). We want to create a community of readers and writers united by CCO’s mission to renew the world – as students, alumni, staff, supporters, and friends. We read and write about good books and the experience of reading. Reading has the power to transform us and our world. As we seek to grow into mature missionary disciples of Jesus, we allow ourselves to be formed under the influence of good books and deep readers. We believe that the fruits of our reading aren’t just for ourselves. God gives us the books we love so that they can help us transform the world. Let’s live the books we love!  




You can find out more about CCO Reads at the CCO Reads Facebook page and the CCO Reads Blogsite.


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