Sharpen the Saw
Inside Out Again
Outline of discussion:
1.Watch Next 2 Videos on Foundation Principles:
– Deposits and Withdrawals
– 7 Habits Overview
2.Review from last month:
– Habit 6: Synergize
– Homework: Apply the results of the coaching conversation to the situation. How did this go?
3. Summarize and Share:
– Habit 7 and Inside Out Again
– Look at this chapter content only – ask 1 person to summarize chapter (not application, just content), invite group to fill in clarify any gaps.
– Open Group Discussion: What struck you? Why?
4. Application:
– Sharpen the Saw Brainstorming Ideas Worksheet (Done in the Chapel)
5. Final Closing:
– Homework: Live the Habits!
– Graduation
6. Bonus
– Take the Free Comprehensive Life Category Assessment: http://mylifebook.com/url/ourbigwin – 20 min Self-Assessment
– Read Inside-Out and Upside-Down